May 27th – Parkrun (or 5k tempo run)


Today’s session will be to take part in your local parkrun. If you don’t have a parkrun, or don’t even know what it is, then you are missing out. Parkrun is a weekly, timed, free 5k event scattered around the world. The parkrun community embraces exactly the kind of atmosphere we hope to build here at Achieve. A supportive group of runners and volunteers who take part every Saturday morning. It’s worth looking for a local parkrun in your local community and if there isn’t one, maybe start one up. So today’s session is to run a 5k at tempo pace. this basically means, go out and try to hold your 5k pace the whole way around. It is worth noting that you should always do a good, slow warmup before and cooldown at the end. 

COACHING TIP: When running at tempo pace, (also known as threshold pace), a warmup is essential. Generally speaking, for endurance runners, the shorter the race, the longer the warmup. Have you ever arrived at the start line of a race and wondered why the first mile or so is so hard? If you had a proper warmup done, that first mile would have been done before you hit the start line. A cool down mile or so after your tempo run will also be beneficial. This will help aid in recovery for your next run.

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