Valencia Marathon Training Week 3

Training run in Madrid with Carleth Keys

2023 Valencia Marathon Training Week 3

I will be posting up my weekly updates for the 2023 Valencia Marathon Training. I did this for London back at the beginning of the year and I was requested to do this once again. London was blogged on A Heart for Running, and if you’re interested in reading it, follow the link. The weekly updates will go into detail, maybe more than anyone really needs, but it will show the type of detail I put into my coaching. Everything is taken into account to help ensure the best result on the day.

Overall, I’m feeling much more optimistic about my Valencia Marathon training. I think I’m working my way out of the long COVID symptoms. I am still not near my normal paces for my training sessions, but definitely feeling significant improvement. Where I was feeling pessimistic about even completing Valencia comfortably, I’m now confident that is possible. I’m bordering on thinking that by the time the race comes around, I may be back to myself completely. Perhaps a good run at this one is on the cards yet, but there is a long way to go. 

My Valencia Marathon training week 3 had some decent miles, despite missing a session or two. The big difference was that my pace was starting to improve and I wasn’t on the floor when finished. There is still a slight lack of energy, but nothing compared to what it was. It will come and it is coming soon.


My Valencia Marathon training week 3 began the week with a rest day. It was good timing as I needed to spend the day up in Seville. I took possession of our new camper van which needed a bit of work on the handbrake. I ended up walking around Seville for the better part of six hours. It is a beautiful city, but I should have brought my trainers and got a wee bit of running done. Before leaving for the city I managed to do my 20 minute core work, which always sets me up for the day.


Tuesday was supposed to be 6 miles at tempo pace. However, the long day in Valencia and the late arrival back in Malaga left me pretty wiped out. I didn’t get this session done but I did get some extra walking in.


Wednesday was a 4 mile easy run on the plan and I ran it along the boardwalk here in Benajarafe. The overall pace ended up at 8:47/mile and it was the first time in a long time that felt easy. 


Thursday of my Valencia Marathon training week 3 was a 30 minute fartlek session. One minute on and one minute off for 30 minutes. I did this over a course that had a big hill. Obviously, this meant I had a nice long downhill as well. This was a great workout and by far the best I’ve run in well over two months. Overall pace was 8:01/mile and my fastest pace hit 5:01/mile while going downhill. 


A five mile easy run was scheduled for Friday and that once again was spot on. I ran along the boardwalk once again and the overall pace was 8:47. The weather has been amazing here in Benajarafe. I believe the sun on my skin is a massive benefit for me.


Saturday during Valencia Marathon Training week 3 proved to be an excellent adventure. We took the new camper van up to Madrid to meet up with Carleth Keys. Carleth is training for Berlin next Sunday and offered to take me for a run around Madrid. I’ve never been there and found it to be a beautiful place. There was so much green space and parks that it really is a runner’s paradise. 

We ran 10 miles together with Carleth adding some extra miles on her last long run of her training block. She has a big following on Instagram and is well worth a follow as her content is positive and fun. A great friend to the marathon running community. Such a good influence, in fact, that we even stopped for a refreshing beer at mile 7 before completing the run 😀


Sunday was meant to be a 16 mile long run, however, due to our circumstances it turned into a 7 miler. However, it was along the coast in Isla Plana in Murcia. Such a beautiful part of the world and one of my favourites. 

Week 1 Metrics:

Friday Weigh-in: 164.2 lbs (+ 2.4)
Average Resting HR: 42bpm ( – )
Average Nightly Sleep: 7:08 (+:03)
Average Daily Protein: 82g (- 36g)
Average Daily Water: 3650ml (+ 79ml)
Total Weekly Miles: 31.15 miles

Previous Weeks:

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15

_____lightnigh show
Lightening show on our 1st night in van
_____Valencia Marathon Training_Week_3
Madrid Casa de Campo
Valencia Marathon Training week 3 Isla Plana
Isla Plana walk with Chief
_____Chief Waiting to Pull out into traffic
Chief waiting to pull out into traffic

Week 4 Training for the Valencia Marathon Schedule:

Monday: Rest day
Tuesday: 6 miles steady
Wednesday: 4 miles easy
Thursday: 6 mile progression run
Friday: 5 miles easy
Saturday: 6 miles steady
Sunday: 18 miles LSD

Wish me luck!!! Please comment below with any thoughts, questions or comments. I’d love to hear some feedback. Let me know what you are training for and how it is going.

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