Valencia Marathon Training Log

Valencia marathon training

2023 Valencia Marathon Training

I will be posting up my weekly training updates for the 2023 Valencia Marathon. I did this for London back at the beginning of the year and I was requested to do this once again. London was blogged on A Heart for Running, and if you’re interested in reading it, follow the link. The weekly updates will go into detail, maybe more than anyone really needs, but it will show the type of detail I put into my coaching. Everything is taken into account to help ensure the best result on the day.

This will not be a full 16 week training programme as personal circumstances have prevented my training from starting on-time. Because of this, and multiple other reasons, my goal for Valencia is quite different from London. This also means that my approach to the training will be completely different. I hope this puts in perspective the difficulty of racing a marathon and it will hopefully show how things can change along the way. 

Starting Point

So my training for the Valencia Marathon will be different for starters in that I’m no longer based in Ireland. Training will be done exclusively in Spain. Normally, this could be seen as an advantage, as the race is only a few hundred miles up the coast. However, with only a 15 week training block and some additional challenges, my expectations are much more modest. 

To begin with, I believe I am suffering from long-covid. I got covid for the first time 8 weeks ago. It was a pretty bad dose and lasted about 4 days. Soon, though, I was back on my feet. Running was a different story. I’ve been struggling like I haven’t struggled since starting running. My pace isn’t near what it was only a couple months ago. Mileage-wise, my body is giving up on me on my long runs much sooner that it used to. My hope is that over the next few weeks, things start to improve. If this does occur, I may alter my goals for Valencia, but for now, I am aiming for a respectable, enjoyable race.

Goals for Valencia Marathon

With my Valencia Marathon training where it is currently, my goal is to finish under 3:30. This is a far cry from London, where I finished in 2:56:44. However, given the circumstances, I feel that at this point, it’s more important to be practical. I know this isn’t normally a runners mindset, but I do need to be realistic.

That all said, this will be a good exercise in seeing what can be accomplished when things aren’t going particularly well. Follow along and please do share your thoughts and experiences. Read below for how week 1 went.

Week 1 Metrics:

Friday Weigh-in: 165 lbs
Average Resting HR: 42bpm
Average Nightly Sleep: 6:03
Average Daily Protein: 114g
Average Daily Water: 3900ml
Total Weekly Miles: 29.3 miles

Previous Weeks

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15

Valencia marathon training log
Chief and I on la Playa de Canina
Valencia Marathon Training - Along Beach
Chief and I along beach in Benajarafe
Chief on his way to Spain

Week 1 Valencia Marathon Training

Week 1 of my Valencia Marathon training began on Wednesday. My schedule for the week was altered by some car problems we had. I needed to travel up the country in order to get the car fixed and bring it back. So Monday and Tuesday was spent on buses, trains, trams and cars, as well as a hotel. For the first few weeks there will be no specific speed sessions. I need to build back my strength and stamina before I get too worried about pace. Thus, you will see very few, if any, sessions that are speed workouts.

Valencia Marathon Training – Monday

Monday began with an early morning bus from Benajarafe to Malage, then a train to Granada and a tram to Albolote. This was followed by an evening in a hotel. I did not have any running gear with me and only walking was on the cards this day.


Another day of walking. However, the car finally repaired in the early evening meant I could drive the 2 hours south to Benajarafe. No running once again.


Wednesday was my first training day of the 15 week Valencia Marathon training programme. It was meant to be 6 miles steady. I only completed 3.2 miles. Things just aren’t where they are supposed to be yet, but they will come.


Thursday was a 5 miler at an easy pace. I managed 7 miles along the footpath following the beach. This Spanish weather really suits me and the feeling of sun on my shoulders does me a world of good. The pace was slightly better, but the effort still felt too hard for the pace.


Friday was a rest day


Saturday was a 5 mile tempo run. I did get my pace down slightly, but I kept the route either downhill or along the flat. I managed an overall pace of 7:20/mile. The fastest mile I could muster was 7:05. I felt way off my potential but I know it will come back with time. Positive thinking is going to help get through these tough sessions. 


The first Sunday Runday of the Valencia Marathon training plan was a 13 miler. Normally, I like my long slow runs about a minute and a half or two minutes slower than marathon pace. Today, I struggled to get my pace under a 9 minute mile. The overall pace was 9:12/mile and although I managed 14 miles, I crashed at the end. There was literally nothing left in the tank. Once again, I remind myself that I need to stay positive.

Week 2 Training for the Valencia Marathon Schedule:

Monday: 6 miles easy
Tuesday: 5 mile progression run
Wednesday: no running
Thursday: 7 miles easy
Friday: 4 miles steady
Saturday: 5 miles steady
Sunday: 15 miles LSD

Wish me luck!!! Please comment below with any thoughts, questions or comments. I’d love to hear some feedback.

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