March 10th – Sunday Runday

Sunday Runday

Today’s session is known as Sunday Runday. Otherwise known as Sunday Long-Runday. The idea of the Sunday long run is to gradually build up your long run by 10% per week. If you are a 5k runner, then building up to 5 or 6 miles will make your 5k events feel much easier. If you are a 10k runner, shoot to build up to 10 miles on a Sunday. Half-marathoners, marathon, or ultra-runners, dun the distance appropriate to your needs. This could be a huge range of miles for that group. 

These miles should be slow and comfortable. They should feel even easier than your easy runs. You are building strength, stamina, and aerobic capacity. Sunday Runday is best shared with other running friends and group runs are highly recommended. 

COACHING TIP: This is the perfect opportunity to run casually, and catch up with running friends. Clear the head of all the worries you had for the previous week and prepare for the week ahead. Don’t even look at the watch on this run. It’s also a good time to work on breathing and posture. This is not the time to try out new trainers or running gear. Save that for shorter easy runs.

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