7 Tips for Running in the Heat

running in the heat

7 Tips for Running in the Heat

For me, nothing beats this time of year for running. I love working up a sweat doing what I enjoy most. Even in moderately cool temperatures I generally run cold, often having to wear gloves and a hat when other people are otherwise melting. So when the sun shines, I make the most of it.

That said, here are 7 tips to remember when running in the heat:

  1. Be well hydrated before you even start. We all need to be drinking plenty of water every day, and when exercising in the heat it’s even more important.
  2. If you are running more than 45 minutes, choose a route that takes you past a point where you can drink either cold water or a sports drink. You will need to replenish your water and electrolytes. Alternatively, invest in a camelback or other method of carrying water with you.
  3. Put on a good sun block, something waterproof, that won’t come off when you sweat.
  4. Similar to running in the rain, sweat will cause chafing, so make sure to take precautions and lube up those problem areas as you would on a long run.
  5. Listen closely to your body. If you feel any unusual sensations, stop and get some water and shade. We are all a bit different and our bodies handle the heat in very different ways. Back off the pace before you need to.
  6. Wear sports sunglasses to protect your eyes. Your eyes need protection as much as the rest of you and sport sunglasses will sit firmly on your face without causing discomfort with all the motion of running.
  7. Wear cool, breathable running gear. Very light tops made of good wicking material will help keep the sweat from weighing you down.
7 tips for running in the heat
5 Miles in the Heat

Conclusion of 7 tips for Running in the Heat

These 7 tips for running in the heat should go a long way to helping you enjoy the sun as much as me. If you are someone who doesn’t like hot weather, or more to the point running in hot weather, you may need to consider early mornings or later evening runs. Not me though, I’ll take 28 C (82 F) and sunny every day.

Share your experience in the comments below. If you also enjoy running in the heat, let me know. Sometimes it feels like I’m completely alone on this one 😀

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